GAM (Gospel Advance Mission)

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Purpose: Fellowship for the Furtherance of the Gospel

Meeting Time/Location: Saturdays from 9:45am-10:30am at the Church Office
Even if you cannot attend the weekly meetings, you can join GAM remotely (and stay connected using the group chat), as long as you are willing to make the commitment below

Member Commitment: 

1.     Walk with Christ daily.

2.     Attend church faithfully. 

3.     Advance the Gospel weekly (through Gospel conversations and/or intentional efforts to love the lost on Christ’s behalf).

Weekly Meeting Agenda:

·       Gospel Training: 10-minute Bible lesson on soul-winning/discipleship

o   The weekly lessons are often uploaded to the MBC Sermons Podcast, and remote members are encouraged to listen to these episodes on their own time

·       Mission Reports: new or continuing Gospel conversations/efforts to love the lost

·       Field Work: door-knocking and follow-up visits

Joining the Mission: Could you pray about joining GAM? Remember Acts 9:6 "And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?"

Please select one option.


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